Disclaimer & Copyright: ----------------------- Copyright © 1995, 1996 Alan Jones. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 1995, 1996 faZe iternet (http://www.faZe.com) Version 2.01 ------------ Short form: ----------- * You may use this program FREE of charge. * You may distribute this program, but you may not charge for it. * You may not distribute parts of the program * You may not distribute this program with other programs that are charged for And the longer form: ------------------- This program HPHELPER is protected by copyright law. Un-authorized reproduction or distribution of this program or any portion of it is not permitted without the expressed written permission of the author. THE INFORMATION AND CODE PROVIDED IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDIND DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCINENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF THE AUTHOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. These programs are not to be re-sold or distributed with other programs that are for sale without the expressed written permission of the author. You ARE allowed to distribute this entire ZIP file as a single file providing no charge is made for it's use or distribution. As a condition, you may not add or delete individual files from the archive with the exception of a text file displaying the source of the distribution eg. README.BBS files etc. You must also credit faZe internet in any FILEID.DIZ or information files. Support: -------- Attempts will be made to solve reported problems. If you discover any bugs or problems please contact the author at the e-mail address below. Suggestions for enhancements are welcome. The inclusion of suggested enhancements will be determined by their perceived usefulness to the users of HPHELPER. Instructions: ------------- HpHelper is probably the quickest and easiest homepage designer you will ever find ! 1. Unzip this zip file onto a floppy disk. 2. From Windows program manager, run the setup.exe file to install the program and create the Homepage Helper Group. 3. Double click on the Homepage Helper Icon. 4. Answer a few easy questions to create your work of art. 5. Publish your work.. Alan Jones. Alan@faze.com Revision History: ----------------- October 1996 2.01 Released. Overhauled the user interface. Added Stock Graphics. Added local links to paragraph headers. Cleaned up generated HTML code. Major version jump due to changes in HTT files. August 1996 Version 1.nn Released. Massive work on inclusion of graphics, bug fixes and cosmetics. Almost a version a day !!!! July 1996 Version 1.01 (first) version released. It's dirty, but it works !!